How It Works
- Once a quarter, our members attend the BIG GIVE and donate $100.
- Members have the opportunity to nominate a local charity after being a member for a quarter.
- At the BIG GIVE, nominating members in attendance place their charity “in the hat”.
- Three charities will be drawn.
- The nominating members (or a member of their choice) make a 5-minute, verbal presentation, about their charity’s mission and why it is deserving of the win.
- Members have the opportunity to ask questions.
- An anonymous vote is held and the charity with the most votes will receive $100 from each member. No proxy voting.
- The member who nominated the recipient charity will be asked to participate in the presentation of the BIG CHECK GIVE to the winning charity.
- The selected charity is invited back next quarter to share the BIG IMPACT of our donation.
- Charities must be vetted two weeks before the BIG GIVE.
- Winning charities are not eligible for re-nomination for 24 months (8 BIG GIVES) after their win.
- Members may switch charities at any time via the nomination process.
- Only members are allowed to vote and address the members.
- Ties will be decided by one more round of votes with tied charities. If a tie persists, the charities that are tied will go back in the hat and the recipient will be drawn.
- Our charities must agree not to give out member information or add members to their mailing list for future solicitation.
- Members are responsible for ensuring 100+ has their current email address. Tax receipts will be emailed from The Women’s Foundation for the State of Arizona. (EIN 31-1660702)